The 23rd China International Foundry Expo (METAL CHINA 2025) together with the 18th China International Diecasting Industry Exhibition and Nonferrous China, will be held...
Neue und größere Druckgießmaschinen machen es möglich, die gesamte Rohkarosserie eines Fahrzeugs in einem Stück zu produzieren. Ist das Megacasting eine überzeugende Alte...
Last year, more new onshore wind turbines were approved in Germany than ever before. This is a positive sign for manufacturers and suppliers, who can expect demand to gro...
Ortrander Eisenhütte has once again filed for insolvency. Despite full order books, proceedings have been initiated which, according to the insolvency administrator, prom...
Manual grinding is a labor-intensive process that tends to be unpopular. With a machine specially developed for foundries, the DISA Group can now automate this process.
Hertwich Engineering GmbH is now taking its own path into the future. The manufacturer and developer of aluminum casting technologies has been taken over by its managemen...
Elcee Group from Dordrecht, South Holland, has acquired the company Chinforce. The declared aim is to further strengthen its leading position as a supplier of mechanical...
Doerrenberg Edelstahl hat seine defizitären Geschäftsbereiche Gießerei und Stahlwerk an Callista Private Equity verkauft. Gründe seien Konjunktur und Preisdruck.
Doerrenberg Edelstahl GmbH has sold both its foundry and steelworks divisions to Callista Private Equity GmbH. The reasons are the economic situation and price pressure.
Laempe is entering the field of additive manufacturing with specially developed printing solutions. The company has now delivered six 3D sand printers including periphera...
Schnelle Rüstzeiten sind entscheidend, um Kosten zu senken, flexibel zu bleiben und eine hohe Qualität zu gewährleisten. GF Casting Solutions setzt hierfür auf neue Anlag...
Fast set-up times are crucial in order to reduce costs, remain flexible and guarantee high quality. GF Casting Solutions relies on new systems from Emco for this purpose.
Big anniversary: On December 5, over 170 participants took part in the 50th Barbara Colloquium at Aalen University to discuss current developments in the foundry industry...
Mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung in Wissenschaft und Industrie widmet er sich dort insbesondere der Weiterentwicklung von Dauerformverfahren, wobei numerische Simulation...
With his many years of experience in science and industry, he is particularly dedicated to the further development of permanent mould processes, where numerical simulatio...
ECOCAST ONE offers users of feeder sleeves a plus in quality and performance with 100% sustainability.
GMH sells specialist supplier of complex iron castings from the southern Harz region to strategic investor of choice
Following the delivery of a high-pressure die casting (HPDC) machine, ItalPresseGauss (IPG) is now installing a complete HPDC cell.
The company’s integration strengthens GMH’s market position in the tool steel industry
On 29 October, Trimet opened the gates of its aluminium smelter in Essen-Bergeborbeck to the public.
Record international participation and an enthusiastic atmosphere in the exhibition halls ensure global appeal.
Diese Technologie von Triplex Systems, Inc., stellt einen weiteren Fortschritt in der Verpflichtung zu Qualität, Effizienz und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz dar.
This cutting-edge technology from Triplex Systems, Inc. of Minnesota, marks a continued advancement in its commitment to quality, efficiency, and workplace safety.
The acquisition was finalized on July 24, 2024 at Hunter headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois (Chicago).
Handtmann is the first European tier-1 to invest in the emerging technology.
The European Commission has set ambitious targets: the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation stipulates that CO₂ emissions from aviation must be reduced by 60 per cent by 2050 com...
The ENGAGEMENT project is researching how the company's own CO2 footprint can be reduced by digital methods.
A team from the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences in Iserlohn is developing energy-efficient and low-pollutant components made of wrought zinc alloys.
Hot sand is a significant challenge in green sand molding, impacting casting quality and production.
Adapting the component cleaning process chain to changing requirements in the automotive industry
Drache is presenting its new Filter Combibox for the first time at the ALUMINIUM Exhibition.
For years, the foundry industry has been affected by the continuing high costs of energy and raw materials and by the current market distortions.
What began as a small foundry in 1923 has developed into a forward-looking partner for machine-moulded iron casting over its 100-year history.
In June, Creditreform Bielefeld confirmed that Hohnen meets all certification criteria in the areas of resource efficiency, social action and good corporate governance by...
In der Kategorie „Transformation“ zeichnete am 2. Juli die Volkswagen AG das Handtmann Metallgusswerk mit Group Award aus.
Experts refer to the possibility of integrating completely new material properties into the microstructure of materials, in addition to the practically freely selectable...
During the visit, Wechsler emphasised the important role of medium-sized and family-run companies for Germany's competitiveness.
The strategic partnership is focused on the long-term and successful development of the company.
More charging power, more range, more climate-friendly – in the joint project COOLBat, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology...
In the French town of Foug, an old cupola furnace is being decommissioned and replaced by a more climate-friendly induction furnace.
The UltraPLAS coating developed by Fraunhofer researchers has proven to be a groundbreaking solution for the challenges of primary shaping processes.
The TH Köln and Martin Luck Metallgießerei GmbH (MLS) are developing an AI-based centrifugal casting process that reduces the lead content in the component and improves e...
Exlabesa is expanding production at its aluminium recycling plant in the Spanish province of A Coruña.
In order to achieve the target of 80 per cent renewable energies by 2030, Germany must more than triple its offshore wind power compared to today.
Folkmar Ukena is succeeded by Fynn-Willem Lohe.
This report summarises the presentations at GIFA 2019 ‘MAGNESIUM – a history’ and GIFA 2023 ‘MAGNESIUM – lighter, faster, higher’.
This is made possible by the cooperation with the neighbouring SLR foundry, which was signed at the beginning of 2024.
The 3rd Future Day of the Foundry Industry took place in Düsseldorf on 19 June 2024.
In seinem über elfjährigen Engagement im DECHEMA-Vorstand agierte er als wichtiges und erfolgreiches Bindeglied zwischen den ACHEMA-Ausstellern und dem DECHEMA-Vorstand.
During his eleven years of service on the DECHEMA board, he acted as an important and successful link between ACHEMA exhibitors and the DECHEMA board.
Speira is investing 40 million euros in additional recycling capacity to further develop the Rheinwerk and realise a total of up to 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 savings per...
The 2024 Foundry Technology Conference: Casting has a tradition that goes back thousands of years – and there is still a lot to be discovered about casting and moulding m...
Around 80 participants attended the AMAP forum in Aachen from 25 to 26 April. MAGMA GmbH provided the premises for the event. The invitation was issued by Dr.-Ing. Peter...
CASTFAST uses the advantages of 3D sand printing to radically digitise and streamline the casting process from quotation to delivery and reordering.
Insolvency administrator Martin Mucha of the law firm GRUB BRUGGER has found an investor for the insolvent Eisenwerk Hasenclever & Sohn GmbH in Battenberg.
ASK Chemicals, Hilden, took part in Girls Day on 25 April 2024 with its sites in Germany.
To mark its 125th anniversary, ACO Guss GmbH has donated 80 benches in an unusual design to the city of Kaiserslautern. The first of these have now been installed.
InCeight Casting C8 ist der Kongress, der den übergreifenden Erfahrungs- und Wissensaustausch aller am Produktlebenszyklus von Gussbauteilen beteiligten Disziplinen biete...
InCeight Casting C8 is the congress that offers the overarching exchange of experience and knowledge of all disciplines involved in the product life cycle of cast compone...
Unter dem Motto „Zeigen was Zinkdruckguss-kann“ und vor allem was Unternehmen können, wurden am 16. Mai auf dem Gießerei Kolloquium an der Hochschule Aalen die Gewinner v...
Under the motto ‘Show what zinc die casting can do’ and above all what companies can do, the winners of the ZINK initiative were honoured on 16 May at the foundry colloqu...
On 18 March, the James Durrans Group in Sasolburg celebrated the 5th anniversary of its subsidiary Carbon International Trading.
Am 1. April ist Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Busse nach 21 Jahren als Institutsleiter des Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen, in den Ruhestand gegangen.
On 1 April, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Busse retired after 21 years as Institute Director of the Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen.
Sponsored: Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is currently on everyone's lips. Some experts even go so far as to claim that this technology will have a transformative effect...
The two casting companies ‘Franken Guss GmbH & Co. KG’ and “Sachsen Guss GmbH” have started to reorganise themselves with the help of a protective shield procedure. This...
Salzburg 2024 - that was 25 specialist presentations in front of more than 600 participants, an attractive and well-booked specialist exhibition - and two keynote speeche...
The metalworking industry is one of the biggest industrial producers of CO2 emissions worldwide. An alternative solution for reducing CO2 is induction for heating process...
Before investing in a chip treatment system, it is important to thoroughly analyse the potential it offers.
The family business M. Busch is constantly growing and modernising. New halls, high-tech automation and investments in the millions are the result of a modern corporate s...
The German foundry Blöcher specialises in the short-term provision of aluminium tool casts for the production of large-format plastic parts.
The aluminium manufacturer has expanded the site's production capacity and at the same time significantly reduced CO2 emissions by converting the energy supply.
The iron foundry Th. Schultz commissioned OTTO JUNKER GmbH with the delivery and commissioning of a medium-frequency induction crucible furnace system.
Der Schwerpunkt der Vorträge liegt auf der Verknüpfung von Methoden und Kompetenzen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen mit dem Ziel, ein gemeinsames Verständnis für die versch...
The focus of the presentations is on linking methods and expertise from different disciplines with the aim of developing a common understanding of the various requirement...
SME investor buys shares in the Thuringian automotive supplier ae group
Since January, Rahul Prasad has been Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Castfast, the 3D sand printing platform that was spun out of the iron foundry Römheld & Moelle at t...
The Light Metal Casting division has won the largest order in the company's history from a well-known German OEM.
The court granted the application and appointed the experienced restructuring expert Dr. Michael Lojowsky, partner in the nationwide law firm Brinkmann & Partner, as prov...
The GussStahl Lienen foundry has sustainably reduced its process energy consumption by making intelligent use of waste heat and investing in modern plant technology.
From best practice to foundry technology - focus on megatopics of the future
Major Foundry Technology Conference on April 25 and 26, 2024 in Salzburg
Bühler, Uzwil (CH), liefert vier neue Carat 92-Megacasting-Lösungen an den chinesischen Automobilzulieferer Duoli Technology, Wuxi, China. Zudem steigerte das Unternehmen...
Bühler, Uzwil (CH), is supplying four new Carat 92 megacasting solutions to the Chinese automotive supplier Duoli Technology, Wuxi, China. The company also increased its...
The Verband der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Baden-Württemberg e.V. has awarded the Südwestmetallpreis to Edwin Heinle from Julius Schüle Druckguss GmbH. Heinle received...
Sponsored: YIZUMI’s amazing success story over the last 20 years is a clear indication it is in an ideal position to take full advantage of the attractive growth in the die casting...
Ralf Gorski leaves - Ralf Stog takes over. After six years, Ralf Gorski is handing over the baton to his successor. The handover is planned and business operations will n...
Otto Junker, Simmerath, celebrates its centenary in 2024. It was not until 2023 that the company consistently focused on sustainability and transformation. It is confiden...
Die zwei neuen Inline-Röntgenprüfsysteme von VCxray sind speziell auf die Gießerei-Industrie zugeschnitten. Schnell, einfach und automatisch soll die Inspektion mit den S...
The two new inline X-ray inspection systems from VCxray are specially tailored to the foundry industry. Inspection with the systems should be fast, simple and automatic....
Steigende Besucherzahlen und volle Stände mit intensiven Business-Gesprächen prägten die EUROGUSS 2024. Insbesondere aus deutscher Perspektive aber auch Sorgen: um die si...
EUROGUSS 2024 was characterised by rising visitor numbers and full stands with intensive business discussions, but also concerns, especially from a German perspective: ab...
Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH is a dynamic company specialising in the large-scale production and international distribution of ship propellers.
Werden Strukturteile bisher meist auf Schiebe-Kipptisch-Pressen entgratet, steht bei diesen Abmessungen die „normale“ 4-Säulen-Presse im Vordergrund.
While structural parts were previously mostly deburred on sliding/tilting table presses, the "normal" 4-column press is now in the foreground for these dimensions.
This innovative material transfers the proven properties of Dievar hot work tool steel to additively manufactured mould inserts and components
Green heatelligence stands for maximum energy efficiency through intelligent heating technology in numerous industries and applications.
Zum dritten Mal präsentieren Chem-Trend und SurTec, Unternehmen der Freudenberg Chemical Specialities Group, auf der EUROGUSS 2024 gemeinsam zukunftsweisende Lösungen für...
For the third time, Chem-Trend and SurTec, companies of the Freudenberg Chemical Specialities Group, will jointly present future-oriented solutions for the die casting in...
Mit FLOW-3D CAST können alle gängigen Gießverfahren und Werkstoffe, beginnend im Konzeptstadium über die Prototypenphase bis hin zur Serienfertigung, effektiv und umfasse...
FLOW-3D CAST can be used to effectively and comprehensively investigate, analyse and optimise all common casting processes and materials, from the concept stage through t...
At EUROGUSS 2024, Teraport presents the "mido" software, a ground-breaking solution for cost estimation in product development.
This year's exhibition on the two-storey stand is dedicated to four topics: developed design, innovative technologies, sustainable solutions and moulded and assembled pro...
At the end of 2019, Franken Guss was awarded the contract for another project for a BEV platform.
In Hall 7A on the Foseco stand, we will be showcasing many of our latest innovations for non-ferrous and HPDC foundries, including Melt treatment, crucibles and refractor...
Die Recyclinglegierung AMAG AlSi7.Rec ist eine vielseitig einsetzbare Gusslegierung, die für die Herstellung von Konstruktionsteilen mit hohen Anforderungen an die Bruchd...
The recycling alloy AMAG AlSi7.Rec is a versatile casting alloy that can be used for the production of structural parts with high demands on elongation at break and good...
In a significant stride towards international expansion, TriAlCo, a leading North American aluminum manufacturer, and FEHRMANN, a renowned innovator in aluminum alloys, h...
Megacasting stellt die nächste Evolutionsstufe im Druckguss dar. Handtmann hat frühzeitig beschlossen, als erster Tier-1 in Europa, in diese Zukunftstechnologie zu invest...
Megacasting represents the next evolutionary stage in die casting. Handtmann decided early on to be the first Tier 1 in Europe to invest in this future technology.
The constantly advancing state of the art and growing competition in general mechanical engineering as well as in the automotive industry are leading to ever higher quali...
At EUROGUSS 2024, Meusburger will be presenting the advantages of standardised die casting components and over 55 years of experience in the machining of steel.
Teraport, a leading provider of software solutions in the field of CAD analysis, will present the latest version of veoCAST at EUROGUSS 2024.
The minimum quantity spraying process (Eco+Spray) developed by Wollin dispenses with the use of water for mould cooling.
Preparation is everything - with the right tools for a smooth production start-up and casting process
We will show you the innovation package of the patented FGS (Frech Gating System), a mould concept from the Frech tooling team with ultra-short casting runs, combined wit...
Nabertherm, a leading manufacturer of industrial furnaces, presents a wide range of solutions developed and manufactured for a variety of applications. Nabertherm sets st...
FOSECO will be exhibiting melt treatment solutions, crucibles and refractories, innovative sand core binder solution for HPDC and die casting processes and applications a...
Mit ihrem 5-Achs-A/B-Störkreis von 1500 mm und ihrer hohen Stabilität ist die G720F ein typischer Vertreter der Crossover-Baureihe für alle wichtigen Bauteile, vom Rahmen...
With its 5-axis A/B interference circle of 1500 mm and its high stability, the G720F is a typical representative of the crossover series for all important components, fro...
Thoroughly cleaned castings reduce the risk of unforeseen failures and are an essential part of quality management.
The Die Casting Day will take place from 16 to 18 January 2024 parallel to EUROGUSS at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre.
"ReGAIN" project launched at Kempten University of Applied Sciences. How can complex production systems be integrated into a networked value creation system and new digit...
The research group led by Prof Dr Lothar Kallien, head of the foundry laboratory at Aalen University, has developed a new type of casting process. Here, wooden components...
More than 250 participants accepted the invitation to Freiberg this year. In addition to new scientific findings and technical developments, the discussions also focussed...
Aktuell sehen sich Aluminium-Druckgießereien mit großen Herausforderungen konfrontiert.
Aluminium die-casting foundries are currently facing major challenges.
As a provider of integrated solutions comprising exhaust air purification, heat recovery and heat utilisation, KMA will be presenting its entire range of environmental te...
The last few years have not always been easy for the foundry industry. It started with the pandemic and was exacerbated by the Ukraine conflict and some of the associated...
Everything revolves around casting at the Great Foundry Technology Conference in Salzburg on 25 and 26 April. It's all about the future of production technology and the i...
Focus on green metal industries at Bright World of Metals
Apply now and enter the 10th Zinc Die Casting Award by 30 November 2023.
Finding an alloy that has the required properties and can be additively manufactured is the aim of a project at the Chair of Materials Technology (LWT) at Ruhr-Universitä...
While investment casting has been established for many years for complex metallic components, AM technology has experienced an impressive upswing in recent years.
With FRED, companies can now prepare themselves for the future and the current challenges.
Cast structures score highly in terms of component complexity and low production costs and are therefore predestined for the series production of functionally integrated...
In Hall 7A, the company will present many of its latest innovations for non-ferrous and HPDC foundries.
From 16-18 January 2024, AGTOS will be presenting cost-effective concepts for the post-processing of castings at Euroguss in Nuremberg.
Dieser Artikel beschreibt eine neue Technik zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Stahlschmelzen in der Pfanne vor dem Gießen.
This article describes a new technique for improving the quality of Steel melts in the ladle prior to pouring.
For three days, metallurgical sector companies will present modern technologies. The industry specialists will take part in numerous conferences and seminars.
Die Stiftung geht mit ihrem Seed-Investment bei dem jungen Unternehmen ins Risiko und liefert damit die finanzielle Basis für den Aufbau von Produktionskapazitäten in Deu...
Efficient electric motors are an essential tool to protect the environment. They can be used to replace combustion engines, which are still operated almost exclusively wi...
Die Leichtmetallgießerei des BMW Group Werkes Landshut startet in eine neue Ära.
The light metal foundry at the BMW Group plant in Landshut is entering a new era.
Tolsa SA, Madrid, has developed its Hybond bentonite additives specifically for green sand foundries to ensure consistent homogeneity and thermal stability of green sand,...
ASK Chemicals unveils its new REZIANCE brand portfolio of industrial resins. Building on its expertise in phenolic resins in both the foundry and industrial resin busines...
The EUROGUSS Talent Award recognises bachelor's and master's theses that relate to an innovation, improvement or new application in die casting along its entire value cha...
Feinguss Blank wird durch eine Beteiligung der britischen Texmo Precision Castings zur „nachhaltigen globalen Kraft“.
Feinguss Blank becomes a "sustainable global force" through an investment by UK-based Texmo Precision Castings.
Prins Castings & Forgings schließt sich der ELCEE-Gruppe an. Beide Unternehmen sind Lieferanten von mechanischen Komponenten und Baugruppen für ein breites Spektrum von B...
Prins Castings & Forgings joins the ELCEE group. Both companies are suppliers of mechanical components and assemblies to a wide range of industries. The merger is based o...
Die Umstellung vom Kupolofen zum Induktionsofen ist ein entscheidender Schritt für Gießereien auf dem Weg zur Dekarbonisierung ihrer Produktion. Eine wichtige Herausforde...
Die Leichtmetallgießerei des BMW Group Werks Landshut hat den renommierten Automotive Lean Production Award in der Kategorie „Component Supplier“ gewonnen.
The light metal foundry of the BMW Group plant in Landshut has won the renowned Automotive Lean Production Award in the "Component Supplier" category.
Those who started the partial qualification as foundry mechanic at Siempelkamp Foundry on March 1, 2023 were looking for a long-term professional future perspective with...
Desktop Metal, Inc. a provider of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies for mass production, has released a video showing how BMW Group is using ExOne Binder Jet 3D pr...
The Maus CAAT software, developed and patent pending by Reichmann, optimizes machining programs of Maus machines in previously unattained dimensions. Initial tests confir...
The primary appeal of the developing additive manufacturing (AM) technology is the potential to reduce production times while enhancing part quality. A major impediment t...
At voestalpine Stahl, Linz, 3D measuring technology has been in use for many years. Increased demands required flexible, hand-held systems with higher accuracy and shorte...
Skills shortages in the industry, rising energy costs, and shortages of raw materials are all presenting the foundry industry with major challenges. As a result, this ene...
In 1993, RUF Maschinenbau succeeded in transferring the principle of alternating mould briquetting successfully from wood residues to metal chips.
Additive manufacturing is moving into the focus of manufacturers of mobile machinery for construction, agriculture and forestry at Systems & Components, which will be hel...
In the recently completed DNAguss research project, a consortium led by the Fraunhofer LBF, Darmstadt, has linked several software tools into a single software chain in w...
Der Schweizer Technologiekonzern Bühler und die schwedische Comptech Rheocasting AB haben sich auf eine strategische Minderheitsbeteiligung von Bühler an Comptech Rheocas...
The Swiss Buhler Technology Group and the Swedish Comptech Rheocasting AB have agreed on a strategic minority investment by Buhler in Comptech Rheocasting AB.
Mecklenburger Metallguss MMG, Waren an der Müritz, is benefiting from stricter environmental legislation in the production of its efficient ship propellers.
The foundry group, with companies in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and Italy, is currently expanding this market by providing advice and developing more climate-friendly cast...
Der Technologiekonzern Rheinmetall hat aus der Automobilindustrie einen Neuauftrag in Höhe eines niedrigen dreistelligen MioEUR-Bereichs für Strukturbauteile gewonnen.
The technology group Rheinmetall has won a new order from the automotive industry worth a low three-digit million euro amount for structural components.
The Wildeshausen-based company Hydrotec plans to build a new iron foundry in the district town by the end of 2024. The investment sum is around 20 million euros and is ex...
The Swiss company Bühler presented the Carat 840 megacasting solution at the "Megacasting unveiled" event in Austria, together with machine builder Engel.
Bühler, Uzwil, Schweiz, präsentierte zusammen mit dem Maschinenbauer Engel auf deren Veranstaltung Megacasting unveiled in Österreich erstmals in Europa die Megacasting-L...
Am 4. und 5. Oktober veranstaltet die NürnbergMesse GmbH erstmals den EUROGUSS Executive Circle. Das neue Format spricht gezielt und exklusiv Köpfe aus der gesamten Werts...
On 4 and 5 October, NürnbergMesse GmbH will host the EUROGUSS Executive Circle for the first time. The new format is specifically and exclusively designed for the influen...
Desktop Metal, Inc., ein weltweit führender Anbieter von additiven Fertigungstechnologien für die Massenproduktion, bekräftigte jetzt sein Engagement auf dem globalen Gie...
Read an article from CP+T 01/2020. Hattori Diecast has become the first Japanese company to order and install a StrikoMelter melting furnace from StrikoWestofen.
Beim diesjährigen Aalener Gießereikolloquium diskutierten über 240 Vertreter der Gießerei-Branche die aktuellen Herausforderungen sowie technische und strategische Lösung...
FOSECO, the foundry division of Vesuvius and a world leading supplier of casting consumables, and MAGMA, a world leader in casting process simulation and virtual optimiza...
Foundries who want to cut costs, increase productivity, offer a high-quality product and at the same time lower the environmental impact must keep an eye on the entire va...
Ab sofort ist das Home of Foundry auch in englischer Sprache verfügbar.
In accordance with the growing market require-ments, KLEIN develops resource efficient and environmentally beneficial processes and systems which are economical at the sa...
Agrati AEE srl is one of the most prestigious Italian manufacturers of die casting machines in Europe. Its production site is located in Bergamo, a few kilometers from Mi...
Customer-specific conveying technology solutions from Aumund, Rheinberg, Germany, play an important role in linking the individual steps in foundry processes.
The master alloy is based on AlSi7, but with an increased Mg content, so that its addition to a AlSi7Mg melt is just increasing the Mg-level in a defined way, while leavi...
In 2018, Laempe acquired and integrated inspectomation, a company that specializes in automated image processing. With the help of its self-developed core products Core-V...
By using scientific models and artificial intelligence, a new PhD project will open the furnaces at the Danish iron foundry, TASSO, Odense.
voxeljet, Friedberg, Germany, and Tooling & Equipment International (TEI), one of the largest users of 3D sand printing in the US, expand their collaboration: TEI has pur...
Since almost two-thirds of the aluminum used at BMW's Landshut light metal foundry comes from the recycling loop and more than one-third of the new aluminum is produced w...
Companies benefit from working with MAGMA as a partner: They use simulation effectively, retain knowledge for the long-term, communicate results in a targeted manner and...
Um den Kunden zukunftsweisende Lösungen im Hinblick auf die Euro-7-Norm zu bieten, zeigt Fritz Winter erstmals sogenannte LMD-beschichtete Bremsscheiben, mit deren Hilfe...
Recent rises in energy and waste disposal costs is driving demand among iron and steel foundries for new feeding systems that improve process costs and casting yields, wh...
Read an article from CP+T 01/2020: “Market and trends, and now?” – a question that many foundry men are asking – was the title of a presentation given by the former machi...
After installing the Maus 600 automatic grinding machine from Reichmann, Weissenhorn, Germany, the Schmiedeberg foundry has now expanded its machinable product portfolio...
The Hungarian die casting foundry Fémalk was able to reduce energy consumption by 26 % through an OEM relining of its StrikoMelter shaft melting furnace.
At the Danish foundry Birn, Holstebro, an optimization project has increased the share of so-called „doughnut briquettes“ from 15 % to 25 %. These consist, among other th...
Lesen Sie einen Fachartikel aus der GIESSEREI 01/2018. Druckgussformen und Druckgießwerkzeuge aus Warmarbeitsstahl müssen den hohen Beanspruchungen dauerhaft standhalten.
For four days, everything at Formnext 2022 in Frankfurt/Main revolved around the topic of Additive Manufacturing.
Lesen Sie einen Fachartikel aus der GIESSEREI 01/2018. Effiziente Prozesse sind entscheidend für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg von Druckgießereien. Produzenten versuchen da...
Nach Installation des Maus 600 Gussputzcenters von Reichmann, Weißenhorn, hat die Schmiedeberger Gießerei jetzt mit der Maus 900 das bearbeitbare Produktportfolio auf Tei...
Lesen Sie einen Fachartikel aus der GIESSEREI 03/2019. Druckgussbauteile gelten bisher als schwer bis nicht schweißbar. Dies liegt insbesondere an den eingeschlossenen Ga...
Rheinmetall liefert mit seiner Expertise im Bereich der Mobilität eine Anlaufunterstützung zur Herstellung eines hochmodernen Zylinderkurbelgehäuses in Usbekistan für ein...
Mit dem neuen Bearbeitungszentrum erweitert der Standort seine Wertschöpfungskette und kann Kundenaufträge effizienter und schneller abwickeln.
Das Messequartett "Bright World of Metals" wird entscheidende Impulse für die weitere Marktentwicklung von Schlüsseltechnologien setzen, vor allem in den Kernfeldern Addi...
Wärmerückgewinnung und Abluftreinigung an Schmelzöfen
Die Schmiedeberger Gießerei hat in das neue automatische Gussputzcenter Maus 600 des deutschen Maschinenbauunternehmens Reichmann & Sohn investiert.
Graziano Sammati übernimmt alleinige Geschäftsführung der Procast Guss GmbH
Gießereien müssen sich in der Zukunft einer Vielzahl von technologischen, wirtschaftlichen und nachhaltigkeitsbezogenen Herausforderungen sowie einem zunehmenden Wettbewe...
Die Qualität eines Gussteils beginnt bereits mit dem Rohstoffeinsatz für die Schmelze.
Treiber sind der Wunsch nach Margenverbesserung des bestehenden Geschäfts und zunehmend die Herausforderungen der Dekarbonisierung.
Demonstration komplexer Gusslösungen für Off-Highway-Fahrzeuge, Motorentechnik, Maschinen und viele weitere Anwendungen inklusive Prototypen, Bearbeitung und Logistik.
Durch ständige Weiterentwicklung von Produkten, Werkstoffen und Prozessen sowie die Förderung von Innovationen können die Gießereien den Automobilherstellern genau die Ko...
Ob Neubau einer zukunftssicheren Gießerei mit Industrie 4.0-Standard und Zero CO2-Emission oder Absenkung des Abfallstroms auf Zero Waste und der Ausschussrate auf Zero D...
Die schwedische Premium-Automarke Volvo Cars hat zwei Carat 840 Druckgiesszellen für das Produktionswerk in Torslanda (Schweden) in Auftrag gegeben.
Rampf, Grafenberg, präsentierte auf der Cast Expo die Polyurethanplatte Raku Toll WB-1258 zur Herstellung von Formplatten und Kernkästen. Aufgrund der nach eigenen Angabe...
Interessenten haben nun bis zum 3. Juni 2022 Zeit ihre Unterlagen einzureichen.
Die Polyurethanplatte RAKU® TOOL WB-1258 mit extrem hoher Abriebfestigkeit zur Herstellung von Formplatten und Kernkästen steht im Mittelpunkt des Auftritts von RAMPF Gro...
Keine Windenergieanlage würde Energie wandeln, kein Auto das gewünschte Ziel erreichen, wenn nicht auch Gussbauteile leichter und ganzheitlicher optimiert gefertigt werde...
Anspruchsvolle Gusslösungen stecken nicht nur im Automobil, die Gießerei-Branche bietet auch einiges für die Faszination Weltraum. GF Casting Solutions fertigt zum Beispi...
Mit der VDMA-Partnerschaft verpflichtet sich AGTOS zur Einhaltung der zwölf Nachhaltigkeitsleitsätze des Maschinen‐ und Anlagenbaus.
In einem Online-Event präsentierte die EUROGUSS einen bunten Themenmix aus Preisverleihung einer Panel-Diskussion sowie einem Publikumspreis.
Storskogen hat 95 % der Anteile an der SF Tooling Group GmbH erworben.
Leitthemen der MAGMA auf der diesjährigen Euroguss sind die virtuelle Prozesskette großer automotiver Strukturgussteile, sogenannter Giga-Castings, sowie Semi-Solid-Gießv...
Grenzebach nimmt auch 2022 an der internationalen Fachmesse Euroguss in Nürnberg teil.
Die Tvarit GmbH aus Frankfurt a.M. veranstaltet am 19. Januar 2022 ein kostenloses Online-Seminar zu den aktuellen Trends in der Gießerei-Industrie sowie dem Einsatz von...
FLOW-3D CAST ist ein umfassendes und effizientes Simulationswerkzeug zur Unterstützung einer ökonomischen und qualitätsgerechten Fertigung von Gussbauteilen.
Dr. Christoph Bleicher erhielt am 2. Dezember 2021 für seine Arbeiten und besonderen Leistungen zum Ermüdungsverhalten von Großbauteilen aus Gusswerkstoffen den Galileo-P...
Mit der Carat 840 und der Carat 920 baut Bühler aus dem schweizerischen Uzwil das Portfolio weiter aus. Grund dafür ist die steigende Nachfrage der Automobilindustrie nac...
Das Wirtschaftsmagazin Plusminus (ARD) hat über die Lieferengpässe beim Leichtmetall Magnesium berichtet. Die Rohstoffknappheit spitzt sich zu. Die gesamte Wertschöpfungs...
Mit der Carat 840 und der Carat 920 baut Bühler sein Portfolio weiter aus. Grund dafür ist die steigende Nachfrage der Automobilindustrie nach grösseren und komplexeren T...
Im März 2022 findet in Nürtingen die 5. Internationale VDI-Tagung „Gießen von Fahrwerks- und Karosseriekomponenten“ statt. Der Call for Papers für diese Tagung läuft noch...
Mit der Übernahme des geistigen Eigentums von MAUS hat Reichmann das technische Know-How und die Erfahrung beider Firmen kombiniert. Das Ergebnis ist die neue Produktlini...
Der Ausbau der Windenergie kommt nun mit Macht in Gang. GE Renewable Energy, das Fraunhofer IGCV sowie die voxeljet AG entwickeln mithilfe von Bundesförderungen einen San...
Der Schleif- und Trenntechnik-Experte Reichmann & Sohn GmbH ist seit dem 1. Juli im Besitz der Markenrechte und des geistigen Eigentums des italienischen Maschinenbau-Unt...
Der Verkauf ist gelungen Für rund 80 Mitarbeiter geht es weiter: Der bis zuletzt auf der Kippe stehende Verkauf der Königsbronner Gießerei an die Avir Walze Holding GmbH,...
Vom Tüftler im eigenen Fahrradkeller bis zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer – so liest sich der Schöpfungsmythos von Matthies Druckguss und seinem schillernden Gründer Willy M...
> VOIT: Insgesamt sieben Unternehmen aus Europa, Asien und Nordamerika, darunter die saarländische VOIT Automotive, sind die Sieger der diesjährigen ZF Supplier Awards. S...
Advanced Industrial Molding Equipment System and Service Provider