Riedlingen's largest employer, Feinguss Blank, has announced that it has signed an agreement with UK-based Texmo Precision Castings (UK) Limited to acquire a majority stake in Feinguss Blank.
The Blank family will continue to hold a minority stake. Completion of the transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals.The completion of the agreement will create the only investment casting specialist capable of manufacturing in the US, Europe and Asia, as well as offering international expertise. The group will operate under the name Texmo Blank. Texmo Blank will set the standard for quality and sustainability in the industry with its combined expertise and use of the latest technologies. Feinguss Blank's expanded process competencies in vacuum casting as well as turbocharger technology, medical technology and assembly can now be offered worldwide.
The Texmo Blank Group will employ more than 1,750 qualified employees and use a production area of 100,000 square metres on three continents.The participation will lead to synergy effects and growth. Furthermore, the specialties of the individual group companies in the automotive, industrial solutions, medical technology and aerospace sectors united under the Texmo Blank umbrella will allow the group to serve an expanded customer segment. The Texmo Blank Group can draw on expertise and innovations from more than 130 years of combined experience. Customers will optimally benefit from Texmo Blank because the group will continuously invest in its processes to ensure cost efficiency.
Texmo Blank combines the history and outstanding performance of two companies with a long tradition in the investment casting industry: Feinguss Blank and Texmo Precision Castings have an excellent reputation as long-term oriented, family-run companies that focus above all on quality, technology and service. This shared corporate culture was instrumental in the decision to join forces.The collaboration between the companies will maintain the standards set in investment casting, which both Feinguss Blank and Texmo Precision Castings stand for, and increase job security for the workforce as well as sustainability. Blank Holding, which provides the real estate in Riedlingen, will continue to be owned by the Blank family.
Juliane Blank, Managing Director of Blank Holding GmbH comments as follows: "For more than 60 years, Feinguss Blank has made a name for itself in the investment casting world that is well-known in German-speaking countries, but now also far beyond. In doing so, the Blank family has always put the well-being and further development of the company in the foreground. The continuous globalisation of the last 30 years shows a clear trend that makes it necessary for a company like ours to position itself worldwide in order to be successful. We are very happy to be working with the Texmo Group and the Ramachandran family to make Blank a strong global company. We are particularly pleased that two family businesses have found each other here, based on similar values and history, and can thus combine their strengths globally."
Arjunan Ramachandran, Managing Director of Texmo Precision Castings, said, "It gives me great pleasure to join forces with Feinguss Blank as we continue our journey to become a global company. The opportunity to join forces with such a respected company as Feinguss Blank is exciting for all involved and innovation will lead the way as we grow together. Few companies can match the combined knowledge of Texmo Precision Castings and Feinguss Blank when it comes to quality and service in investment casting. By combining expertise, experience and passion, Texmo Blank will operate on a global scale and provide a wider range of products and services to a broader customer base. Our growth and resources will also enable us to continue to support our customers with world-class delivery times, a high-quality service offering and cost efficiencies. As companies that are like-minded in many ways - from a shared commitment to sustainability and quality to a family-led culture - Feinguss Blank and Texmo are a perfect fit. This provides the basis for mutual growth. I am convinced that Texmo Blank will inspire the investment casting industry."