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In the starting block: Global Giga-Casting Congress

On 5 and 6 March 2025, the first Global Giga-Casting Congress will open its doors to international experts in Kassel. Organised by the Department of Casting Technology (GTK) at the University of Kassel, the congress will cover a wide range of topics.

The GTK Foundry Colloquium at the University of Kassel takes place every two years and is intended to present selected topics to experts at a high level. More and more companies, particularly in Asia, have taken up Mega- or Gigacasting technology and developed it further at great expense. However, some companies are deliberately taking a different approach, limiting part sizes, striving to fully exploit machine clamping forces of up to 4,400 tonnes and relying on targeted joining techniques to create large vehicle structures. 

Event to be "more international than ever before"

These different perspectives and strategies will be analysed from the global perspective of the various OEMs, foundries and suppliers, and new technology trends and strategies will be presented and discussed. He expects that the GTK Foundry Colloquium will be "more international than ever before". Therefore, the organisers have taken measures to provide simultaneous translation from German, English, Chinese and Japanese in order to give all congress participants the best possible platform at a neutral university location.

The Global Giga-Casting Congress offers a comprehensive range of topics. Whether strategies of OEMs and suppliers, concepts for vehicle design and high-pressure die casting systems or innovations in alloys, machining processes and simulation techniques - almost all aspects of gigacasting will be discussed. Practical reports and research results will complement the event. With its open architecture and central location, the Campus Centre of the University of Kassel at Holländischer Platz is an inviting place to network. 

The programme is available in English and German. Registrations are still possible until 21 February.

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