Next stage of internationalization: With the establishment of its latest subsidiary in Brazil, Ringspann launched its 19th foreign location shortly before the turn of the...
Schmiedewerke Gröditz and Kind & Co will be working more closely together in future. Specifically, the sister companies from the GMH Group want to supply new solutions fo...
Manual grinding is a labor-intensive process that tends to be unpopular. With a machine specially developed for foundries, the DISA Group can now automate this process.
Doerrenberg Edelstahl GmbH has sold both its foundry and steelworks divisions to Callista Private Equity GmbH. The reasons are the economic situation and price pressure.
The German Research Foundation has awarded Dr Tim M. Schwarz the Walter Benjamin Grant. The scientist investigates magnesium alloys for implants, among other things.
Scientists at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences have developed a novel laser-optical method for the non-contact measurement and visualisation of the surface hard...
ECOCAST ONE offers users of feeder sleeves a plus in quality and performance with 100% sustainability.
Vom 27. bis 29. November 2024 findet in Mumbai die METEC India zusammen mit wire India, Tube India und INDIA ESSEN WELDING & CUTTING statt – die größte Metallfachmesse In...
From 27 to 29 November 2024, METEC India will take place in Mumbai alongside wire India, Tube India, and INDIA ESSEN WELDING & CUTTING – the largest metal trade fair in I...
GMH verkauft Spezialanbieter für komplexe Eisenguss-Komponenten aus dem Südharz an strategischen Wunschinvestor.
GMH sells specialist supplier of complex iron castings from the southern Harz region to strategic investor of choice
The seasonally adjusted ifo business climate index for German suppliers rose again for the first time in five months.
The results and recommendations of the study presented are highly relevant in the context of the current reform of grid fees and the long-term safeguarding of the competi...
The company’s integration strengthens GMH’s market position in the tool steel industry
Die Bewerbungsphase für den Swedish Steel Prize 2025 läuft. Der angesehenste internationale Preis der Stahlindustrie wird im kommenden Jahr 25. Der Bewerbungsschluss ist...
The application period for the Swedish Steel Prize 2025 is now open. The most prestigious international prize in the steel industry will be celebrating its 25th anniversa...
In September 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator (FISI) saw a further decrease.
Ervin Europe has announced a series of innovative measures to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030.
Adapting the component cleaning process chain to changing requirements in the automotive industry
Drache is presenting its new Filter Combibox for the first time at the ALUMINIUM Exhibition.
In August, GMH Gruppe announced the acquisition of ALBA Metall Saar GmbH, an established scrap and metal trading company based in Bous, Saarland.
Experts refer to the possibility of integrating completely new material properties into the microstructure of materials, in addition to the practically freely selectable...
The still high electricity price and the dramatically increasing grid fees are exacerbating the industrial and economic crisis.
More charging power, more range, more climate-friendly – in the joint project COOLBat, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology...
The AIF Alliance for Industry and Research welcomes the funding for climate-friendly technologies from medium-sized companies presented by the Federal Minister for Econom...
The seasonally adjusted ifo business climate for German suppliers deteriorated by 3.5 points to a value of -27.7 in August, its lowest level since the coronavirus summer...
The UltraPLAS coating developed by Fraunhofer researchers has proven to be a groundbreaking solution for the challenges of primary shaping processes.
This report summarises the presentations at GIFA 2019 ‘MAGNESIUM – a history’ and GIFA 2023 ‘MAGNESIUM – lighter, faster, higher’.
The seasonally adjusted ifo business climate of German suppliers deteriorated by 4.2 points to a value of -23.3, which is the lowest level since February.
For the first time, the values obtained from satellite data enable an independent assessment of the amount of greenhouse gases, so that decision-makers in politics, busin...
The "Virtual Energy Demonstrator" project shows how industrial buildings can be climate-positive
Chongyang Zeng from the Chair of Lightweight Vehicle Construction at the University of Siegen has further developed a method for measuring the behaviour of materials unde...
During his eleven years of service on the DECHEMA board, he acted as an important and successful link between ACHEMA exhibitors and the DECHEMA board.
Insolvency administrator Martin Mucha of the law firm GRUB BRUGGER has found an investor for the insolvent Eisenwerk Hasenclever & Sohn GmbH in Battenberg.
Under the motto ‘Show what zinc die casting can do’ and above all what companies can do, the winners of the ZINK initiative were honoured on 16 May at the foundry colloqu...
The production of metal parts using a 3D printer can also be profitable for SMEs - this is shown by research results from experts at Münster University of Applied Science...
The latest ifo data on the German supplier industry underpins the categorisation of the precarious economic situation presented at the Hannover Messe.
Before investing in a chip treatment system, it is important to thoroughly analyse the potential it offers.
The German foundry Blöcher specialises in the short-term provision of aluminium tool casts for the production of large-format plastic parts.
The GussStahl Lienen foundry has sustainably reduced its process energy consumption by making intelligent use of waste heat and investing in modern plant technology.
Für die Transformation der Industrie hin zur Klimaneutralität sind zügige Genehmigungsverfahren eine zentrale Rahmenbedingung. Mit dem nun veröffentlichten Diskussionspap...
Rapid approval procedures are a key prerequisite for the transformation of industry towards climate neutrality. With the recently published discussion paper, the IN4clima...
Major Foundry Technology Conference on April 25 and 26, 2024 in Salzburg
The Verband der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Baden-Württemberg e.V. has awarded the Südwestmetallpreis to Edwin Heinle from Julius Schüle Druckguss GmbH. Heinle received...
The business climate for German suppliers is treading water at the start of the year.
Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH is a dynamic company specialising in the large-scale production and international distribution of ship propellers.
South Africa could play an important role as a reliable producer of green hydrogen - also as a supplier for Germany - in the coming years.
This innovative material transfers the proven properties of Dievar hot work tool steel to additively manufactured mould inserts and components
A new study by Fraunhofer ISI and the IOB at RWTH Aachen University now looks in detail at the other half of the heat transition for the first time and provides an overvi...
At EUROGUSS 2024, Meusburger will be presenting the advantages of standardised die casting components and over 55 years of experience in the machining of steel.
The experts for intelligent heating systems from promeos proudly present a new member of the promeos furnace product family at the upcoming EUROGUSS trade fair.
More than 250 participants accepted the invitation to Freiberg this year. In addition to new scientific findings and technical developments, the discussions also focussed...
With the Robocast V vacuum dosing system, Fill offers an innovative casting process for innovative drive components and complex cast parts and guarantees maximum casting...
Everything revolves around casting at the Great Foundry Technology Conference in Salzburg on 25 and 26 April. It's all about the future of production technology and the i...
Focus on green metal industries at Bright World of Metals
The business climate for German suppliers improved by 3.4 balance points in November.
The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) has published reference data on additively manufactured materials made of titanium, nickel and a stainless...
Finding an alloy that has the required properties and can be additively manufactured is the aim of a project at the Chair of Materials Technology (LWT) at Ruhr-Universitä...
While investment casting has been established for many years for complex metallic components, AM technology has experienced an impressive upswing in recent years.
With FRED, companies can now prepare themselves for the future and the current challenges.
Dieser Artikel beschreibt eine neue Technik zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Stahlschmelzen in der Pfanne vor dem Gießen.
This article describes a new technique for improving the quality of Steel melts in the ladle prior to pouring.
In its new multistage conference format, Formnext 2023 will be showcasing groundbreaking AM applications, technologies, and the latest innovations as well as discourses o...
Messe Düsseldorf celebrated a successful premiere in Jakarta with GIFA and METEC INDONESIA as the new authoritative metallurgy and foundry platforms for Indonesia’s emerg...
Am 16. November 2023 findet wieder der alljährliche HÜTTENTAG im Glasfoyer des Congress Centers Ost der Messe Essen statt.
Tolsa SA, Madrid, has developed its Hybond bentonite additives specifically for green sand foundries to ensure consistent homogeneity and thermal stability of green sand,...
Prins Castings & Forgings joins the ELCEE group. Both companies are suppliers of mechanical components and assemblies to a wide range of industries. The merger is based o...
After more than 35 years at the helm of Stahlwerke Bochum GmbH, Bruno Mayer handed over sole management of the company to his son Stephan on 1 October.
In the field of mechanical and hydromechanical clamping elements, Enemac, Kleinwallstadt, Germany, offers various power clamping systems and hydromechanical spring clampi...
At the end of August, Minister of Economics Habeck visited the only manufacturer left on the market that produces drive systems for wind turbines in Germany.
At voestalpine Stahl, Linz, 3D measuring technology has been in use for many years. Increased demands required flexible, hand-held systems with higher accuracy and shorte...
In 1993, RUF Maschinenbau succeeded in transferring the principle of alternating mould briquetting successfully from wood residues to metal chips.
CREMER ERZKONTOR continues its verticalisation course. As of September 2023, the northern German raw materials company is taking over Handels- und Aufbereitungsgesellscha...
Die Swiss Steel Group schließt sich der Forderung der Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl nach einem Brückenstrompreis für energieintensive Unternehmen an.
The Swiss Steel Group joins the Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl in calling for a bridge electricity price for energy-intensive companies. This important signal for securing...
Energy-intensive SMEs have been widely disappointed by the decision of the coalition of the two parties not to address the issue of electricity prices at the closed meeti...
The steel manufacturer Georgsmarienhütte and energy service provider EWE want to jointly implement hydrogen projects and thus advance the transformation of the region on...
FOBA's new F.0100-ir marking system from Alltec, Selmsdorf, promises deep black markings on medical stainless steel, titanium or plastics with high precision due to its v...
FOSECO, the foundry division of Vesuvius and a world leading supplier of casting consumables, and MAGMA, a world leader in casting process simulation and virtual optimiza...
Ob erstklassige internationale Kongresse, renommierte Awards, ein Spitzengespräch mit Branchen-Experten und Politik, Sonderschauen oder Insights zu top-aktuellen Themen i...
Customer-specific conveying technology solutions from Aumund, Rheinberg, Germany, play an important role in linking the individual steps in foundry processes.
At GIFA 2023, Vulkan Inox, Hattingen, Germany, will showcase Chronital and Grittal blasting abrasives, which the company has been producing exclusively with renewable ene...
Workplaces exposed to heat, as frequently found in the steel and aluminum industries, in foundries and at heat treatment plants, call for individual solutions because eve...
Furnace specialists Otto Junker and its subsidiary Induga will be presenting their solutions in the induction melting and thermoprocessing equipment fields in Duesseldorf...
On the fair SMS group, leading provider of metallurgical systems solutions for the steel and non-ferrous metals industries, will be showing latest technologies and soluti...
Recent rises in energy and waste disposal costs is driving demand among iron and steel foundries for new feeding systems that improve process costs and casting yields, wh...
Enter Engineering’s subsidiary Enter Steel in Uzbekistan has been certified by the American Society of Mechanical Testing (ASME) for the successful implementation of ist...
Primetals Technologies, Fortescue and voestalpine are jointly evaluating a breakthrough plant for green iron production. The aim is to develop a prototype of an emission-...
At the Danish foundry Birn, Holstebro, an optimization project has increased the share of so-called „doughnut briquettes“ from 15 % to 25 %. These consist, among other th...
Lesen Sie einen Fachartikel aus der GIESSEREI 01/2018. Druckgussformen und Druckgießwerkzeuge aus Warmarbeitsstahl müssen den hohen Beanspruchungen dauerhaft standhalten.
For four days, everything at Formnext 2022 in Frankfurt/Main revolved around the topic of Additive Manufacturing.
Lesen Sie einen Fachartikel aus der GIESSEREI 03/2019. Druckgussbauteile gelten bisher als schwer bis nicht schweißbar. Dies liegt insbesondere an den eingeschlossenen Ga...
Im Rahmen der METAL & STEEL EGYPT finden vom 2. bis 4. September 2023 auf dem Egypt International Exhibition Center zum ersten Mal die vier Fachmessen GIFA Middle East Af...
Das Messequartett "Bright World of Metals" wird entscheidende Impulse für die weitere Marktentwicklung von Schlüsseltechnologien setzen, vor allem in den Kernfeldern Addi...
Am 23. August beauftragte der deutsche Stahlhersteller Salzgitter Primetals Technologies mit der Lieferung eines EAF Ultimate.
Mit der VDMA-Partnerschaft verpflichtet sich AGTOS zur Einhaltung der zwölf Nachhaltigkeitsleitsätze des Maschinen‐ und Anlagenbaus.
Stihl Magnesium Druckguss geht gestärkt aus den Krisen der letzten Zeit hervor. Neben einem steigenden Bedarf an Stihl-Produkten profitiert das Unternehmen 50 Jahre nach...
Gontermann-Peipers gießt die schwersten Walzen der Welt. Mit fast 200 Jahren Gießerei-Know-how, Ingenieurskunst und Innovationsgeist hat sich der Siegener Industriebetrie...
Das branchenspezifische JobPortal für die Gießerei-Branche,
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