LEAP Series Die Casting Machine. - © YIZUMI

LEAP – Die Casting Technology


LEAP – Die Casting Technology

The future looks bright

Aluminum- and Magnesium alloys offer considerable design benefits. With their advantageous weight-to-strength ratios and easy recyclability, these great materials contribute significantly to light-weighting efforts, especially in the automotive industry, worldwide.

The die casting process offering competitive manufacturing cost and its unique ability to integrate functions to reduce downstream cost ensures attractive growth in our industry. YIZUMI’s amazing success story over the last 20 years is a clear indication it is in an ideal position to take full advantage of the attractive growth in the die casting industry in the foreseeable future.  Reflecting our confidence is our aggressive growth plan that includes our aim of becoming a Top 3 die casting solution provider in the next few years.

Successful Die Casting Operation

At YIZUMI, the last few years have been dedicated to developing state-of-the-art die casting machines as well as developing great expertise and technical capabilities within our workforce. Both areas in which significant progress was achieved are indispensable to our dedication to delivering the best cost-effective solution with leading technology to our customers worldwide. We understand that a meaningful manufacturing solution provides our customers with a competitive Overall-Equipment-Effectiveness (OEE) at a very attractive Total-Cost of Ownership (TCO). In other words, an installed die casting cell, offered at a fair price, first and foremost needs to allow its operator to enjoy a high equipment availability without the high cost of operating the equipment. The total cost of operation is heavily dependent on well-trained personnel and on a suitable preventive and increasingly also predictive maintenance plan.

To achieve a competitive OEE, only concentrating on the die casting machine and the automation, however, would be very short-sighted. Successful and profitable die casting production is only possible with a thermally balanced die casting tool avoiding or at least minimizing any cavity cooling requirements executed by external spraying. The highest levels of productivity can be reached if the casting part design is greatly optimized for the die casting process in a way that tool-aging effects are considered. This reduces die maintenance costs and allows the casting production to maintain a high OEE throughout the entire die life.

YIZUMI supports its Customers

The YIZUMI team is totally dedicated to providing the best effective solutions to our customers worldwide. We understand that providing true value to our customers entails delivering reliable and productive die casting equipment. With the LEAP series of die casting machines, YIZUMI offers a state-of-the-art system with a modern, easy-to-use control HMI, ensuring reliable casting production. The real-time closed-loop injection control is based on a proprietary servo valve technology offering the highest flow rates and extraordinarily precise speed and pressure control. Negative casting process influences from possible temperature fluctuations of alloys or hydraulic oil as well as varying friction forces within the shot sleeve are quickly compensated and adjusted to the nominal settings. This allows the LEAP die casting machine to maintain extremely high process stability and repeatability in any casting application.  

LEAP Series Die Casting Machine. - © YIZUMI
LEAP Series Die Casting Machine. © YIZUMI

Our ORCA control system featuring high-performance electronic hardware offers a well-conceived HMI providing an effective and transparent interaction with system operators and process engineers. A large programming screen with interactive, intuitive graphical displays and multi-touch functions ensures high ease of use and effective programming with a minimum of training. A well-structured menu allows the different system users such as operators, process engineers and quality managers, etc. easy access to their data and programming sections. Intricate “self-learning” algorithms which have been developed in-house in collaboration with our Sino-European Innovation network provide any LEAP production with outstanding precision and reproducibility – reliable quality shot by shot.

As YIZUMI is focused on sustainability, we have developed various energy-saving features for the LEAP series of die casting machines. While an innovative two-stage hydraulic drive unit saves up to 40% of electrical energy compared to conventional systems, it also substantially extends the service life of the pump by a much-optimized “feeding oil management”. Differential hydraulics in the pre-filling phase of the injection reduces overall electrical energy usage by a further 20%. The LEAP die casting machine is without a doubt a highly competitive product aimed at providing substantial benefits to our customers.   

Above all, YIZUMI’s support of our customers includes all relevant service support efforts. Our competent after-sales service team in combination with an efficient worldwide spare parts service ensures that our customers achieve high equipment availability. We educate more than 500 trainees in relevant topics yearly at YIZUMI training facilities as well as at customer plants worldwide. We round off our customer service capabilities with expertise drawn from our international network in the areas of tooling design along with casting process simulations which include excellent interpretation and accurate conclusions of said simulations. High-quality casting cell solutions with high performance enhanced with our YIZUMI customer service packages provide our customers with effective best-cost solutions. 

Value adding applications

YIZUMI’s LEAP series of die casting machines are an asset for any die casting operation, adding value by providing an extraordinary casting performance. However, especially in the field of thin-walled large-surfaced die casting components like structural castings the LEAP technology proves especially beneficial with its high-performing injection capacity (P/Q2) paired with its unmatched precision and process repeatability. The highest injection speeds ensure the short filling times needed for such parts while a highly precise braking of the injection speed reduces flash and protects the tooling.   Since the LEAP series of machines is available in all machine sizes up to 90`000 kN of locking force this machine technology is perfectly suited to produce Ultra Large Casting applications.

Continuously adding value for our customers

YIZUMI is a reliable partner dedicated to providing cost effective die casting solutions to our customers worldwide. We will continue to leverage our local resources and our network of international experts to build up relevant know-how to contribute to our client’s competitiveness.

(Source: YIZUMI)



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