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Roadmap to climate neutrality

The Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry (BDG) is developing a roadmap that shows politicians, society, customers and investors how the German foundry industry intends to become climate-neutral by 2045.

The roadmap is based on the InnoGuss project. The project partner FutureCamp Climate has already implemented a number of projects for medium-sized, energy-intensive industries.

This is how it all comes together: With the InnoGuss project, the BDG has already realistically evaluated the fundamentally conceivable technology paths towards climate neutrality for the entire industry as well as the necessary economic and political framework conditions with the help of several foundries in NRW. FutureCamp Climate can now expand on these results. The management consultancy specialises in climate protection, sustainability, energy efficiency, environmental management and innovation and has already carried out roadmaps to climate neutrality for energy-intensive SMEs, for example in the brick, sand-lime brick, sugar and chemical industries.

With this roadmap, the German foundry industry is showing the sector how foundries can set out on the path to climate neutrality. However, it also sends a very clear signal to politicians and society that the foundry industry has set out on the path to transformation - but that it needs framework conditions that are not under its control. Such as energy infrastructure and energy availability or financial subsidies.