The LkSG obliges companies to comply with human rights in global supply chains. - © PIXABAY

New publications help with implementation

Since 1 January 2024, the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act has also applied to companies with at least 1000 employees. The Kissingen-based specialist media company WEKA Media promises support in fulfilling these obligations with several new publications.

The human rights and environmental due diligence obligations for companies defined in the Supply Chain Act (LkSG) are considerable. The minimum framework regulated in §§ 4 ff. stipulates that they must adopt a policy statement, define internal responsibilities and set up a risk management system to ensure that potential impacts of business activities on human rights are identified, prevented or minimised. It is also mandatory to carry out regular risk analyses, establish preventive measures in the company's own business area and vis-à-vis direct suppliers, take remedial measures and set up a complaints procedure. In addition, there is the implementation of due diligence obligations with regard to risks at indirect suppliers and documentation. Companies must submit an annual report to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) on the fulfilment of their due diligence obligations. In view of the complex, globalised supply chains, fulfilling these duties is difficult. However, non-compliance can result in severe fines and penalties. Even though the Supply Chain Act has (only) applied to all companies with at least 1,000 employees in Germany since the beginning of this year 2024 and small companies are not formally directly affected, it is nevertheless foreseeable that it is also relevant for them - as part of the supply chain.

With the ‘Toolbox Supply Chain Act’, WEKA Media promises a practical tool for the secure implementation of the due diligence obligations required by the law. The online solution not only contains a step-by-step presentation of the tasks required by law, but also practical, immediately applicable assistance in formulating the declaration of principles, carrying out risk analyses, drawing up preventive and corrective measures as well as documenting and preparing the report to BAFA.

The new online software ‘WEKA Supply Chain Assessments’ is designed to make the due diligence report required by the Supply Chain Act simple and intuitive. All report components required for preparation and documentation - from the policy statement and risk analysis to complaints management and responsibilities - are stored there as templates and can be easily adapted to individual needs.

The professional learning management system ‘SafetyClips by WEKA’ promises effective mobile instructions to sensitise employees to the topic of supply chain law in a timely manner. With short, entertaining learning videos that they can access regardless of device, time or location, employees can learn the basics of the law on their own initiative. Thanks to the micro-small units, the time required is low and the learning effect should be all the greater and more sustainable.