With hyperMILL Basic Shopfloor Management, Open Mind, Weßling, Germany, offers users of its CAD/CAM solution a way to digitize the process chain in networked manufacturing, from CAM programming to the CNC machines.
According to the provider, the software package, which consists of hyperMILL and Hummingbird MES modules, enables more efficient paperless management of milling operations. The Hummingbird integration makes work in the CAM system and on the machine significantly more effective and flexible.
Without having to introduce a complete Manufacturing Execution System, hyperMILL Basic Shopfloor Management users benefit from some decisive process optimizations and become more flexible in their production organization. The digitized process starts with the central management and distribution of NC data, which is provided to the machines in a process-safe manner. In addition, digital routing slips with all relevant information for milling are automatically created to replace setup sheets on paper or as PDF documents. In CAM programming, NC programs can be output for several machines at once. The NC data and the associated production information are automatically managed for the corresponding machines and made available via a digital user interface at the respective machine workstation. This allows machine capacities to be allocated and used with maximum flexibility.
A digital worklist at the machine is used to efficiently and reliably display all production-relevant data such as NC code, set-up, tool and order information in a clearly summarized electronic routing slip. Machine operators call up their worklist and the associated data via the Hummingbird user interface on the machine, make the correct NC programs available on the machine control at the touch of a button and report successful processing back to the system. For work preparation and production planning, hyperMILL Basic Shopfloor Management means transparency. Production managers have a real-time overview of the milling machine fleet without having to be on site.