The agenda for the BDG's general meeting on 18 June included the election of the board and the president. The previous president, Clemens Küpper, was re-elected. New members of the board: Dr Christiane Heunisch-Grotz, Dr Marc Mateika and Dipl.-Ing. Lars Steinheider. - © BDG

Clemens Küpper confirmed as BDG President

2024 was an election year for BDG members: on the eve of the Future Day of the German Foundry Industry, they elected the divisional directors of economics and technology as well as the new board of directors at the HDGI's technical centre on Hansaallee in Düsseldorf.

The new members of the executive committee are: Dr Christiane Heunisch-Grotz, managing partner of Heunisch, Bad Windsheim, and Dr Marc Mateika, managing director of MeierGuss, Rahden, (both Fe) as well as Dipl.-Ing. Lars Steinheider, managing director of FWH Stahlguss GmhH, Mühlheim/Ruhr (vice president technology).

The following were confirmed in office for the engineering sector: Dirk Engels, Isselguss and Dr Klaus Lellig, Nemak Europe. Hartmut Fischer, Andreas Stihl Magnesium-Druckguss, Stefan Michel, Ed. Fitscher GmbH & Co. KG Metallgießerei and Hans-Peter Grohmann, Johann Grohmann GmbH & Co. KG were also re-elected as Vice President for the non-ferrous sector. Reinhard Tweer of Reinhard Tweer GmbH remained Vice President of the Ferrous Division. The elections were unanimous.

The newly elected board then met and confirmed Clemens Küpper as president of the German Foundry Association for a further three years. "I stood for re-election even though I knew what to expect," said the old and new president after his election. "Because we have a great team in Hansaallee," continued the managing director of Eisengiesserei Baumgarte, Bielefeld.